industriele filters en afsluiters beta industrie

Filter housings

BÈTA industrie supplies a complete line of industrial filter housings for candle filters and bag filters. Our starting point is not so much which filter housings we have available, but which filter housings best suit the customer's application.

Standaard filterhuizen beta industrie Standard filter housings

BÈTA industrie provides a complete line of industrial filter housings for cartridge filters and bag filters.

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Custom filterhuizen beta industrie Custom-made filter housings

Every application is different, which means tailor-made solutions are required. At BÈTA industrie we can custom-make any type of filter housing based on your specific demands and wishes.

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Industriele filterhuizen beta-industrie Industrial filter housings

Industrial filter housings available in various materials and for numerous applications. Fast delivery and high-quality filter housings.

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Hogedruk filterhuizen | Beta industrie High pressure filter housings

High-quality high pressure filter housings in various materials and for diverse applications. Quick delivery and competitive prices guaranteed!

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Specialist in processpecifieke toepassingen
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BÈTA industrie offers a complete range of industrial filter housings for both cartridge and bag filters. Our starting point is not which filter housings we have in stock, but which filter housing best fits the applications of our customer. Filtration for food & beverage applications, for example, is completely different from paint, coating, oil and gas processes. Our years of experience have made us experts in the filtration of liquids. This means we can offer you the best advice for your application.

Make the best decision in filter housings!

Choosing a filter housing always starts with a proper analysis of the exact application, flow, filtration goal, dirt load, particle size, available pressure drop and an assessment of specific demands. For the food & beverage and pharmaceutical industry we offer completely sanitary filter housings, which have been mechanically polished with an Ra <=0.8, as well as filter housings from high-quality materials and various plastics. Completely disposable systems are also available.

Special filter housings for oil- and gas industry

We provide special filter housings for the oil- and gas industry. This includes, amongst others, filter housings for basket filters, bag filters, cartridge filters, coalescers, catalyst reclamation systems and automatic/self-cleaning filters (according to PED 2014/68 EU, ASME VIII potentially with U-stamp and NoBo inspections, coatings and certifications). We work with carbon steel, stainless steel, duplex, superduplex, hastelloy, inconel and various exotic materials. We also supply filter housings from GRE, polypropylene, PVDF and with a fluoropolymer lining for corrosive applications. Above 200 bar we work with special, non-welded filter housings.